Neeraja, a prominent South Indian TV actress, suffered from premature graying. She didn’t want to use chemical-based hair color dye. The reason for this was due to the allergic reaction of several family members to permanent hair dye containing PPD. Eventually, she tried a hair color dye labeled, “Natural”, but unfortunately developed and allergic reaction to it.
She was desperate. She finally came to the conclusion that she should end her acting career and leave show business. Fortunately for her, she shared her thoughts with her sister. Her sister recommended, Lustrous Henna®, since it was (and still is) PPD-FREE.
Neeraja didn’t immediately use it. Instead, she consulted a well-known dermatologist who recommended she use this product because it does not contain PPD.
Neeraja has used Lustrous Henna® over a year and she is still extremely satisfied. In fact, she stated that Lustrous Henna® “saved me. I’m very happy with the color and have had no problems using it.”
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Author: L.J. O'Neal, freelance writer and researcher. also a Lustrous Henna® user.
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