Which of the following statements* is a true fact?
A. “If you have a box of green stuff that says “neutral henna”, that green powder is neither neutral nor henna. There is no such plant as neutral henna! Henna is Lawsonia inermis, and has a red-orange dye molecule. The green "neutral henna" powder is most likely to be Cassia Obovata leaf!”
B. “Neutral Henna does not really exist, but people still ask for it. It looks very much like henna but is not. It is a conditioner for the hair called, Cassia Obovata.”
C. “The stem of the henna plant is neutral. It doesn't color the hair. Rather, neutral henna makes the hair stronger and softer.”
D. “Henna is traded in dried or powdered form. It is classified into three varieties – green, black and neutral. Neutral henna is made from the stem of the henna plant. Neutral henna does not colour the hair, but accentuates the hair’s natural highlights and conditions. It is used in powdered form, mixed with water.”
E. Cassia Obovata is an herb that is frequently marketed as “Neutral Henna”.
Totally true: C, D, E
Partly true: A
False: B
Explanation of answers:
C, D, and E are totally true. Knowing this will help you to understand more about Neutral Henna.
A is only partly true, because the green powder could be Neutral Henna, a powder made other parts of the henna plant (not the leaf). True Neutral Henna powder is not the plant in its entirety, but is made from the plant. On the flip side, the green powder could be Cassia Obovata and not True Neutral Henna.
B is false because it basically states patently that anything marketed as Neutral Henna is always Cassia Obovata.
Surprised? Confused? That’s completely understandable.
Confusion and misconceptions driven by the increasing demand for pure henna and natural henna-based products have saturated the marketplace. Misleading advertising has also contributed to the seeming enigma known as Neutral Henna.
In our next post, we will clarify and solve this puzzle.
*Statements A through D are documented on actual websites. Please contact author for source.
A Testimonial About Lustrous Henna®
Please everyone pass this information about Lustrous Henna to your friends, family, associates and everyone. I have been trying to find complete natural organic Henna for over three years and finally I found Lustrous Henna that works a 100%. With no chemical. This is the best natural hair product that I have used and ...not have to go to Emergency. Hello! Spread the word. Thank you God for the maker of this wonderful product.
Jennifer Bradshaw
Read real customer testimonials.