Protein Rich Hair Grows from Protein Rich Diet
Want to give your dry hair a boost? On average hair will grow ¼ to ½ inch each month. Help keep a dry scalp away and encourage hair growth.
100% all natural herbal hair care products are a great help to grow and maintain lustrous, radiant hair –adding a healthy hair diet of protein rich foods will further enhance your all natural beauty.
Salmon: Omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin B-12 and iron.
Poultry: High-quality protein, iron.
Eggs: High-quality protein, biotin, vitamin B-12.
Oysters: Zinc.
Low-Fat Dairy Products: Calcium, protein (in whey and casein).
More Protein Rich Foods for Vegetarians
Beans: Protein, iron, zinc, and biotin.
Nuts: Selenium (in Brazil nuts); Walnuts: alpha-linolenic acid; cashews, pecans, almonds: zinc.
Other Healthy Foods and Herbs that:
Can Eliminate Dry Scalp and Encourage Hair Growth
Protein rich foods are not the only help for dry scalp and hair growth. Following a healthy diet that also includes flax seed oil; daily scalp massage increases blood circulation; weekly oil treatment to scalp, washing off in shower after 10-15 minutes will help avoid excessive drying out of skin; frequent mild shampoos that include any or all of the following Ayurvedic herbs:
Shikakai: A pod that’s considered a superior cleanser for "lustrous long hair" and has been reported as "promoting hair growth, eliminates dry scalp and preventing dandruff". Because of these benefits, this pod was named " Shikakai" which translated as, "fruit forhair".
Soapnut: Indian name Reetha fruit is also called Soapnut , as it contains natural soap. Beside excellent cleansing properties, it is known to keep hair and skin soft.
Amla: A wonderful cleansing agent for both the skin and hair. It imparts luster to hair and protects from dandruff, also helps prevent premature graying. Amla stimulates hair growth and strengthens the hair roots.
Fenugreek: Seeds contain essential oil that contains 40 different valuable compounds. People used to soak fenugreek seeds overnight, and in the morning grind them into fine paste and apply them to the scalp for half hour for scalp treatment and removal of dandruff. The hair was then washed with Soapnut solution. The same paste was applied on the face at night before going to bed and then washed with warm water in the morning. This was known to prevent one from getting pimples, dryness and early appearance of wrinkles. It improved complexion and make one look younger.
Where to Purchase
100% natural herbs including Ayurvedic botanicals for hair growth and maintenance:
Saba Botanical of USA
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