Aloe Vera Plant Promotes Healthy Hair Growth
Are you worried by hair fall or hair loss? Aloe Vera is an excellent treatment for hair loss because the plant itself closely matches our own body’s biochemistry, containing many of the same vitamins and minerals that make up our own bodies. It strengthens, adds a healthy radiance and shine to hair.
The aloe vera plant contains many healthy hair benefits especially when combined with wheat germ oil and almond oil, added to Bhringraj. This mixture* helps to moisturize, nourish and revitalize your hair and scalp. If you suffer hair fall or hair thinning, then regular use of this healthy hair conditioner will help to stop hair fall or hair loss; thus promoting hair growth. Without question, Aloe Vera provides great benefits for hair loss or hair fall.
Aloe Vera Plant Additional Benefits
The Aloe Vera plant is a flowering plant with a long history of medicinal treatments for skin problems. It has been called “the lily of the desert” and “the plant of immortality”. Its medicinal and healing properties have been known for over 4000 years. The Aloe Vera plant was used by ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Chinese civilizations. Cleopatra used it to purify her skin. Alexander the Great used it for his soldiers’ wounds.
As a topical medicinal treatment, Aloe Vera extracts have antibacterial and antifungal properties that may help in the treatment of skin infections and inhibit the growth of fungi. Additionally, it's a natural moisturizer that soothes the skin, eliminating the risk of flaky scalp (dandruff) and flaky skin in harsh and dry weather.
Aloe Vera ‘Product’ Warning
It’s fairly common knowledge that the Aloe Vera plant is a stemless or very short-stemmed succulent plant with yellow flowers, growing to 24–39 in tall. The small serrated leaves are thick and fleshy, green to grey-green, with some varieties showing white flecks on the upper and lower stem surfaces. The beautiful yellow flowers are produced in summer on a spike up to 35 in tall. It grows in arid climates and is widely distributed in Africa, India and other arid areas.
When we think of today’s Aloe Vera products, it seems that the words “Aloe Vera” on its packaging instantly mean that the product is healthy and beneficial. The sage counsel to “Let the Buyer Beware” should definitely be applied when we’re searching for pure Aloe Vera or natural products containing pure Aloe Vera. We need to be especially careful and read the ingredient labels. We might be surprised to find out that many of these products contain harmful chemicals.
An example: One well-known company claims to sell 100% Aloe Vera Gel. However, after reading the ingredient label, you might be shocked to see that it is not 100% Aloe Vera Gel at all, but : “(an ‘earthy’ name) Aloe Vera, 100% Gel.” Does this make a difference? You bet it does. The ‘100% Gel’ is not pure Aloe Vera gel, but a chemical gel that contains some Aloe Vera and many other harmful chemical additives. One ingredient was even banned in Europe for being a known carcinogen!
Please heed the warnings and know the company you’re dealing with. Visit their website and get to know their natural product lines. As you regularly use truly natural products with pure Aloe Vera, your hair loss or hair fall will disappear. Your radiant hair and supple skin will reflect naturally healthy results.
*This combination of nourishing botanicals is found in every bottle of Imbue® Natural Conditioner by Saba Botanical of USA.
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