About Scalp Treatment Recipes
The scalp should be gently cleansed of debris from hair treatments and products at least once monthly. A good natural scalp scrub needs to be applied with a GENTLE touch. Too harsh or heavy-handed of a massage can cause harm to the scalp by simply being too abrasive. So cleanse your hair and scalp naturally with a very gentle touch.
Baking soda is a natural scalp treatment and hair cleanser. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) adds moisture and controls frizz. Pure Amla Powder is a cleansing agent for the hair and scalp; Amla Powder also protects from dandruff, also helps prevent premature graying. Amla Powder stimulates growth of hair; as a scalp treatment, helps to strengthen the hair roots. Tea tree oil is an effective antifungal and antiseptic scalp treatment; don’t use too much to avoid ‘burning’ the scalp.
Baking Soda Scalp Treatment and Hair Cleanse
½ cup of Baking Soda
2-3 tablespoons of Pure Amla Powder
¼ cup of Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
5 drops of Tea Tree Oil
½ to 1 cup water (add enough to make a thin paste)
Directions: Mix baking soda, amla powder, with oils and water until well blended. Apply mixture to hair. Gently massage scrub on scalp in circular motion. After two or three minutes, rinse out with warm water.
Apple Cider Vinegar Clarifying Rinse
½ cup Apple Cider Vinegar
2 cups of water
5 drops each of the following (to minimize vinegar smell):
Rosemary or Peppermint Oil
Sage or Lavender Oil
Directions: Close eyes tightly (you DON’T want this in your eyes) as you tilt head back; pour mixture through hair from root to ends. If needed, tilt head forward to cover hair completely. (Save any remaining mixture, if desired). After a minute or two, rinse with cold water to seal in moisture.
Conditioning Hot Oil Therapy Scalp Treatment for Healthy Hair
Before going to bed (or anytime you have an extra 6-8 hours to wear a plastic cap), massage hot oil into your scalp (Be careful not to make it too hot-should still be able to touch it without scalding your fingers). It can be almond, coconut, rosemary, jojoba, lavender, EEVO (extra-virgin olive oil or any other oil known for promoting healthy hair growth. You can also mix the oils, if you desire.*
Cover hair with a plastic cap or wrap and hair bonnet/scarf. (Sleep on a towel to protect pillow from possible leaking). In the morning, (before bathing) mix a little lemon juice and acv (apple cider vinegar) together and apply it to your scalp, dabbing with a soft cloth. Leave on for about 5 minutes and rinse out. Wash hair with Lustrous Henna Dry Shampoo Powder (made into a paste). Cover hair with plastic cap. Leave shampoo powder on hair for 5 minutes and rinse out. This will also help prevent dandruff and hair loss.
Moisturize your strands from the roots to tip with a moisturizing conditioner that won’t weigh your hair down. Olive oil is a great source of Vitamin E and Eggs are protein-rich.
Side notes: Cold pressed and cold processed castor oil is also beneficial to the scalp, but heavy on the hair, so try and concentrate on the scalp; it's okay to touch the roots but, try to avoid getting castor oil into to the rest of hair (since it can be hard to wash out if entire head is saturated).
*Don’t want to leave it on all night long? No worries. You can also use a hot, moist towel until the towel cools (about twenty minutes). Follow up as mentioned in the preceding instructions.
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