Why Perform an Allergy Test on Premium Henna Hair Dye?
Lustrous Henna® is a laboratory tested, premium quality, henna hair dye. Lab testing certifies that Lustrous Henna® is non-toxic and does not contain chemicals such as para-phenlenediamine (PPD). Lustrous Henna® also does not contain ammonia, peroxide, or other synthetic dyes. It’s 100% all-natural, plant-based hair dye.
Lustrous Henna® hair dye gives coating on your hair shaft and stays on the hair shaft, as a semi-permanent, natural hair color dye. Lustrous Henna® hair dye thickens and nourishes your hair shaft while increasing its strength. It's extremely gentle and actually conditions the hair, thus leaving it supple and radiant.
However, anyone can be allergic to anything -even natural products that come from Mother Earth. There are several substances found in nature that a person can be allergic to and therefore should avoid using. For example, some people are allergic to peanuts, bananas, mushrooms and the list goes on. Thus, even though an allergic reaction to pure natural henna (or any of the other ingredients) in Lustrous Henna® is extremely slim, it is still advisable to perform an allergy test.
Allergy Skin Test
Perform the allergy test at least 48 hours before you dye your hair. Make a paste of a small amount of Lustrous Henna® powder in a cup. Dermatologists suggest that you smear the paste on the inside of your elbow (it's one of the most sensitive parts of your skin). Leave the paste on for at least 24 hours. If you see raised welts (hives) or severe itching, do not use the product to dye your hair.
Hair Strand Test
The strand test is exactly what it sounds like. Choose a hair strand. Make a small amount of Lustrous Henna® dye paste. With gloved hands completely saturate hair with the dye paste. Wrap strand in plastic. Leave it in for the amount of time you'll leave the dye on your head. Wash hair. Check color. The color will slightly darken after 24 hours.
Lustrous Henna® Hair Dye Certified Safe
How slim are the chances of getting an allergic reaction from any of our natural botanicals? To this date, Saba Botanical of USA has never received a report of allergic reaction from anyone. Of course, this is very good news. However, reminders are still helpful and that is the reason for this posting.
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