Use Ancient Shikakai for Hair Growth
Shikakai is an ancient botanical known as, “fruit for hair” that promotes hair growth by nourishing the scalp at the glandular level. It also can strengthen hair roots. It is rich in vitamin C and vitamin D, along with other nutrients that nourish the hair follicles and promote hair growth. It can be used by itself or mixed with other natural ingredients in powder form, along with water to form a paste that is then applied to the hair.
Shikakai is used as a mild cleansing shampoo in India. Shikakai powder is similar to soap nuts in that it doesn’t produce the amount of lather a sulfate-containing shampoo would. However, it is an excellent cleanser for natural hair. It’s very mild with a naturally low pH. It doesn’t strip hair root of natural oils. Since it also acts as a detangler, it usually doesn’t need to be followed up with a conditioner.
Important note about washing hair with plants containing saponin (natural soap): PRIOR to washing the hair, MASSAGE the scalp with coconut oil or castor oil. This has been the traditional method for centuries in India.
Shikakai Shampoo Recipes
Hair Growth Shampoo (Quick Method)
1 tablespoon EACH of:
Pure Shikakai Powder
Pure Amla Powder
Pure Reetha Powder Organic Wash
1 ½ cup water.
Mix dry ingredients with water in a saucepan. Bring to ALMOST boiling and lower heat to simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat. Strain the mixture through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth. Discard solids. Let mixture cool to room temperature.
When ready to use, apply to natural hair and leave on for approximately 5-10 minutes or longer (if desired). Wash out thoroughly. You can follow up with a natural conditioner (although not necessary).
Shikakai Traditional Hair Growth Shampoo
(Slow Method)
6 cups water
1 tablespoon Pure Amla powder
2 sticks of cinnamon
12 cloves
2 teaspoons of loose black tea leaves
Combine in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Simmer for 20 minutes; then add the following:
2 cups of Pure Shikakai powder
½ cup pure Pure Reetha Powder Organic Wash
Raise heat to ALMOST boiling –but DON’T boil. Turn off heat and remove saucepan from hot burner. Let mixture in saucepan sit for at least 4 hours or overnight. When ready, do the following:
Heat mixture to ALMOST boiling –but DON’T boil. Turn down heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Strain the mixture through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth. Discard solids. Let mixture cool until warm to touch.
Stir in the following ingredients to the mixture:
1 tablespoon of honey
2 teaspoons of almond oil
2 teaspoons of olive oil
1 teaspoon of Vitamin E oil
Let mixture cool to room temperature and transfer into tightly sealed jars or bottles with lids. Store in the refrigerator. Mixture should keep up to one month.
When ready to use, apply to natural hair and leave on for approximately 15-20 minutes or longer (if desired). Wash out thoroughly. No need to follow up with a conditioner (unless you really want to).
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