Aloe Vera Benefits for Healthy Hair
Aloe Vera is an excellent treatment for hair fall because the plant itself closely matches our own body’s biochemistry, containing many of the same vitamins and minerals that make up our own bodies. Without question, Aloe Vera provides benefits for hair fall or hair loss. It strengthens, adds a healthy radiance and shine to hair.
The Aloe Vera plant is a flowering plant with a long history of medicinal treatments for skin problems. It has been called “the lily of the desert” and “the plant of immortality”. Its medicinal and healing properties have been known for over 4000 years. Ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Chinese civilizations used Aloe Vera. Cleopatra used it to purify her skin. Alexander the Great used it for his soldiers’ wounds.
As a topical medicinal treatment, Aloe Vera extracts have antibacterial and antifungal properties that may help in the treatment of skin infections and inhibit the growth of fungi. Additionally, it's a natural moisturizer that soothes the skin, eliminating the risk of flaky scalp (dandruff) and flaky skin in harsh and dry weather.
Bhringraj Benefits for Healthy Hair
Traditionally throughout Asian countries, Bhringraj* has also been used from the hair shaft on natural hair to the tips, for preventing baldness, anti-dandruff, anti-lice and revitalizing the hair. Additionally, for centuries, the leaf juice has been boiled with sesame or coconut oil to dye natural hair black or to tattoo the skin.
The leaf extract is considered quite beneficial for natural hair and has been traditionally used externally on the hair shaft to stop hair loss and thinning hair, promote luxuriant hair growth, stop graying of hair shaft and improve hair color. It’s used as a hair tonic and hair-conditioning agent.
In fact, the entire plant including the seeds, have been used in Ayurvedic medicine for ages. Today, around the globe, Bhringraj is proven to be effective with numerous benefits both internally and externally, for instance, to improve hair shaft condition.
Aloe Vera –Bhringhaj Combo for Healthy Hair
If you’re worried by hair fall or hair loss, Aloe Vera is an excellent treatment for hair loss because the plant itself closely matches our own body’s biochemistry, containing many of the same vitamins and minerals that make up our own bodies. It strengthens, adds a healthy radiance and shine to hair.
Additionally, the aloe vera plant contains many healthy hair benefits especially when combined with wheat germ oil and almond oil, added to Bhringraj. This mixture helps to moisturize, nourish and revitalize your hair and scalp. If you suffer hair fall or hair thinning, then regular use of this healthy hair conditioner will help to stop hair fall or hair loss; thus promoting hair growth. Without question, Aloe Vera provides great benefits for hair loss or hair fall.
What? You don’t have time to make this combo yourself? Surprise! You don’t have to.
Did you know that this “combo for healthy hair” is found in every bottle of Imbue® Natural Conditioner by Saba Botanicals of USA? It’s an herbal formula containing plant extracts from Bhringraj combined with, aloe vera, wheat germ oil, almond oil and other beneficial botanicals. Revitalize and nourish your hair and scalp with Imbue® Natural Conditioner.
Buy Pure Bhringraj Powder can be purchased at Saba Botanical of USA.
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