Split End Treatment.
Must we always snip, snip, snip?
The most common ‘solution’ for split end treatment is to cut them. A snip here and there is certainly the quickest way to get rid of split ends, but, how about addressing the cause instead. Follow me here: if you can prevent split ends, you won’t have to cut split ends. So you can stop searching for a split end treatment. You'll find that split end prevention is an excellent way to improve the overall condition of your hair.
Now, if you’re a creature of habit and simply must trim your split ends, then please do so sparingly. Every 2- 3 months (seriously that’s all that’s needed for healthy, well-cared for natural hair) have a hair stylist trim only your split ends. Make sure your stylist knows that all you want is a light trimming of the ends (not a haircut) or you may start to wonder why your hair isn't getting any longer.
Split End Prevention
The following recipes are proven ways to get healthy hair and prevent split ends.
Split End Olive Oil Steam Treatment
Massage hair and scalp with olive oil. After 2 hours, steam hair for 30 minutes (wrap a towel dipped in hot water around head, avoiding face). Wash hair using a mix of Multani Clay Powder (Fullers Earth) and whole milk (use buttermilk for oily hair). Let dry naturally (olive oil will be absorbed. The next day, shampoo hair with a mild shampoo (suggest: Lustrous Henna Shampoo Powder or Imbue shampoo from Saba Botanical).
Castor Oil and Egg Yolk -Hair Steam Recipe
1 or 2 egg yolks, 2 tbsp. cold-pressed castor oil, 1 tsp. vinegar and 1 tsp. glycerin. Beat until frothy and massage lightly into your scalp. Steam (Cover with a plastic cap; then rinse a towel in hot water, wrap around the head and let cool naturally). Rinse off. This conditioner makes hair thicker, shiny, soft and manageable.
Milk and Egg Yolk Hair Mask
A hair mask is a great way to prevent split ends: Whip together 2 egg yolks and 3/4 to 1 cup of milk (depending on hair length), until foamy. Apply on the hair. Cover your head with shower cap for 15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. Do not use hot water.
Amla, Reetha, Shikakai and Egg Yolk Deep Conditioner
Make a paste by mixing 2 egg yolks, 2 tbsp. each of Amla, Reetha and Shikakai powder. Massage on the scalp and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash with a mild shampoo like Imbue™ Natural Shampoo.
Rinse a towel in hot water, wrap around the head and let cool naturally. Repeat it for 2-3 times a week.
Rosemary Leave-in Treatment
Mix 1 tablespoon of dry, crushed rosemary leaves into 12 ounces cup of water. Massage into hair from ends to the scalp. Don’t rinse out. Use 1-3 times a week, after shampooing or co-wash.
Oil Seal
Oil seal your hair by lightly massaging a very small amount of oil into your ends . Jojoba, lavender and rosemary are some oils easily absorbed and help prevent split ends. You don’t have to worry about having oily shine or hands.
Feel free to experiment and make your own variations of the above recipes that help to stop split ends. You’ll prevent split ends and love the results. Most important: you'll love those soft, supple and radiant locks!
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